Sunday, April 10, 2011

Dry Canyon Trail, Redmond, Oregon

Today's "adventure" was not so much of an adventure, but more of a walk in the park.

Or a walk in the dry canyon, to be more correct.
The Dry Canyon Trail is a 5 mile out-and-back trail that begins just two blocks from church (Zion Lutheran).  It starts right across the street from the Redmond Skatepark where all the cool kids hang out.  It looks like a long dried channel of the ancient Deschutes River, with rimrock lining the canyon, and houses perched on the rim.
The Maple Street bridge, with its very cool large arches, is about half-way into the trail, reminding trekers that we are still in the city.

It's so close to church that it'll provide many hours of serenity and a good work-out when I start training for that marathon!

So that's my "adventure" this week; a stroll in the dry canyon.

I'll make up for it next week....which will be an adventure!

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