Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Paulina Creek Waterfall Trail

On Easter Tuesday I found my way to Paulina Creek Waterfall Trail, just an hour south of my house.  I'm taking this week as vacation, and going to see Laura on Thursday, so stay tuned...
It wasn't so easy getting there, with ruts and snow, but my Mighty, Manly PT Cruiser can get me anywhere I want to go.  And I figure if it can't get me there, I shouldn't be there!
It was here I dropped my gloves into the frigid water.  So the choice became cold hands, or cold wet hands.  I probably should have chosen the former, as they're still not thawed out.

A fire swept through this area in 1988 so there's still evidence of that fire as the forest regrows.
There are, however, hazards along the way.  The trail goes further, but I only went on a 4 mile out-and-back hike.  The trail was absolutely deserted, and the last thing I wanted was to straddle a log like this and slip and get impaled on one of the spikes.  I carry a cell phone, walkie-talkie, and a whistle, but still...
And as I sat on a rock, just watching the relentless water flow, I just couldn't help but think of the amazing and relentless love of God that we celebrated just a couple days ago on Easter Sunday.  Relentless.  Amazing.  Nothing-can-stop-it kinda thing.  Indescribable.  Uncontrollable.  Relentlessly washing over us like the relentless water over the rocks, bidding us to just relax into the flow of God's love.

On the way back to my car I loudly sang the words of the song below, not only because it was the song in my heart, but also because I had seen cougar tracks across the trail, and if the cougar didn't stay away because of the sound, it would certainly stay away because of my off-key singing.
Stay tuned later this week for adventures from Santa Clara!

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