Saturday, March 26, 2011

Tam-a-Lau Trail, Culver, Central Oregon

"Fun" is an operative word for me.

It doesn't mean that you don't take things seriously.  It means that when you know what to take seriously, there are a whole lotta things you can have fun with.  I take many things very seriously, including having fun.  That's why I take these weekly adventures, most often alone, just to spend some time having fun.  More about that later...

But, just so you know, a couple people asked in church this morning whether these were all my pictures, which they are.  I took the picture above by creeping as far as I could to the canyon rim, and then holding the camera over the edge at arm's length, hoping that I wouldn't fumble it, and tumble down, and down, and down.  I have vertigo, so getting the above pic was well beyond my comfort zone.  But it was fun...

The Tam-a-Lau Trail in Culver is about 30 minutes from my house, and takes you through many ranches and fields.  You kinda wonder if the huge canyon is ever going to appear.
But then when you come to the sign that says a 7% down grade, you know something's going to be coming up.
Tam-a-Lau Trail is a 7 mile trek, which includes a 3.5 mile loop on the top of the canyon.  It's a trail that allows incredible views of the Dechutes and Crooked River canyons.  Here I'm about half way up the canyon, taking a break for some Gatorade and to hydrate the vegetation...
The view is spectacular from the top of the canyon.  In the distance you can see The Island, which is a 200 acre plateau that is one of the few Western remnants of the pre-settlement ecological systems.
You know, these hikes are very much fun, but they're also "centering", focused time for me.  I take a lot about my work as a pastor very seriously, and I put in a whole lotta hours every week to do that during the days, evenings, and weekends.  But no matter what, you have to have fun.  And having a weekly time of solitude and serenity keeps me on task.  Reflecting on the going-ons of the week while I'm climbing, hiking, taking in God's beautiful creation, and sweating and breathing hard helps me remember what to take seriously.  That's why "fun" is an operative word for me.  It keeps things in perspective.
Speaking of perspective, a storm started to blow in, and it was time to get down off the canyon rim and into my waiting car.
But the storm on the Tam-a-Lau trail was nothing compared to the snow going over the pass yesterday (Friday), when I went over to spend some time with Laura, as she was in Portland very briefly for Spring Break weekend.  That afternoon, on the way home, it had cleared up.
Princess One and Princess Two.  Laura makes her daddy so proud.  And with a smile like that, she know how to take fun very seriously!

Enjoy your week.  Make sure to make time to have some fun, and if it includes a little serenity for yourself, take that very seriously!

1 comment:

  1. What fun your suggestions to take fun seriously. Often as Christians we do not take the time for it. Or don't think of it's importance. It spoke to my heart.

    Loved your picture of Princess one and two.

    Keep it up these fun adventures.
