Saturday, March 5, 2011

Steelhead Falls, Central Oregon

Let the adventures begin!

Central Oregon is an amazing place to live.  There are so many incredible places to hike and climb and visit, and each week (or so) I'll bring you on my adventures, and reflect a little on all the gifts that God gives us.
Saturday morning I went to Steelhead Falls, just a scant 10 miles from my house.  It's an easy hike, but the beauty of the falls is stunning.  The sun had just risen, the air was crisp, and a little fog adorned the top of the canyon.

On my way I thought about my children's sermon the next day, and wanted to help them look at things a little differently.  God does amazing things in our lives, but we have to look for them.  Often, even on a hike like this, it's easy to take in the beauty of things without really thinking of God's amazing gifts.
But how can you be out here in the early morning and not think, "You go, God!" 

It's a perspective thing, I think.  I've said in sermons at Zion before that the more we look for God, the more we'll see how God is active in our lives.  I think we often miss out on what God is doing in our lives because we just aren't looking for God.  So that's my children's sermon for Sunday.  Pretty simple, but I think if they start at an early age looking for God's activity in their lives, the more they'll grow up seeing and experiencing it.
Gorgeous, serene, calm.  What a great place to sit on a rock and think God-thoughts...
Yeah, it's not a great picture, but they never are when you're out hiking.  Oh well....

Back in the parking lot my car is still the only one there on this quiet morning.  As you can see, my Mighty Manly Macho PT Cruiser can take me anywhere I need to go!

Think God Thoughts.  When you do, you'll see God much more present and active in your life, and you'll grow increasingly thankful for God's presence in your life.  Think that'll work for tomorrow's children's sermon.


  1. Hi,
    This is a cool site! I expect the Computer sales in Redmond will spike when more Zion members see this. The "Where's Pastor Eric?" button on is installed, so should be easy for everyone to get here.

    PS/ You need to check out TDP sometime. It could be one of your "where's Eric" spots.

  2. Great shots - and great thoughts! Amen to your observations. - Joy
