Saturday, August 20, 2011

Benham Falls, Central Oregon

Benham Falls are rapids of the Deschutes River, located just south of Bend, and are about an hour from my house.  They are rated an unpassable Class VI rapids for watercraft and are the largest falls on the Deschutes.
Getting there on the dusty early morning road was beautiful (cough, cough...)  But when I got there I was awestruck at the relentless, powerful, ever gushing, never ending flow of relentless and constant water.

And I was reminded again of God's relentless and powerful and never ending love that constantly flows over us.  Unstopping.  Never ending.  Peaceful, but always flowing in a direction that invites us to remember the constancy of God's love.

Beautiful stuff.  Incredible Central Oregon.  Gotta love it.

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