Monday, August 8, 2011

Adventure with Laura!

Last weekend Laura came over and we had an absolute blast.  We went white water rafting on Saturday...
 And this is called "Riding the Bull."  Class 3 and 4 rapids.  Great time and boatloads of fun. 
That night we went to the Deschuttes County Fair, had great junk food (including an amazing corn dog, of course), and went to a rodeo.  It was Laura's first rodeo.  She decided she didn't want to date a cowboy.  Fine with me.  The next day we went to church, where she said people "treated her like a rock star" because they were so nice to her (Thanks, Zion Friends!), and in the afternoon we went to Smith Rock.  Pics below:

It was a wonderful with with my incredible daughter.  I'm such a very lucky dad!

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