Sunday, June 12, 2011

Gray Butte - Plan B...

Hi Folks:  I haven't posted an adventure for a couple weeks partly because I've been busy, and partly because the weather hasn't been cooperating!  But a couple weeks ago I was all set to hike Gray Butte, which is a pretty strenuous climb.

...when I came to a fork in the path, I took the wrong path.
It took me through the woods, with some nice views, but not on the path I was planning.  How frustrating!  All my plans and preparations were in vain.
But then I started enjoying Plan B.
And the beautiful sights, serenity, and beauty of Plan B.  And I started enjoying Plan B.  And realizing that sometimes when life gives you Plan B, when you're prepared for Plan A and that's what you have your mind set on, that Plan B can also be an enjoyable journey. 
And by the time I got back to my car, I thought that I'll get to Gray Butte some day, but that Plan B was also wonderful.  Kinda a good life lesson, I thought.  Enjoy your day, even if it is Plan B!

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